Monday, June 8, 2009

Never say bored, just say you have a bit of free time!

Listening to: Internet radio on iTunes....ahh screw this cursed rebuffing stream!! Full Moon by The Black Ghosts
Dreaming about: Okami!!!

True to my word, the day after my last post was a horrible one. I don't remember too much but I got my Math paper and I failed miserably. Here's my report summary:


Total points-29 out of an impossible 42. Epic. Fail

But anyways, the year ended on a nice note. The IB2's finally graduated and I'm so uber proud of them!!! They're all going to really good school in the fall: Columbia, Princeton, MIT, Leister....I don't remember the UK universities.....

But the last week of school, was killa! I had to do karate, choir and cadets. I got kicked out of cadets last minute 'cause I missed the dress rehearsal due to killa cramps. So I ended up singing and punching on Saturday...

But now it's summer and I'm home!!!! 10 more days and I'm on my way to Dubai!!

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