Monday, May 25, 2009

"Denial is the strongerst form of affirmation"- Jeani

Listening to: the sound of half my prep class playing bingo (not the kind old people play)
Worried about: Frigging french orals tomorrow!!!

Bonjour tout le monde!!!

My prep class is mucho grande noisy tonight but I'm not gonna tell them to keep it down. This is our form of rebelling the fact that we STILL have to go for prep even when exams are over. The teachers need to take a hint....

The past few days of my life have been quite fun!! Saturday, I dressed up as Jan Di from Boys Before Flowers for the fashion show we had for entertainment. Luckily, I didnt get punished for wearing a short skirt until what happened 2 years ago...

Sunday, I just chilled out and went to SOS for their Pan-African Night Market. It was loads of fun. I tried this really cool Ethiopian dish which was quite yummy. I dont know what it was called though. And I saw Micheal (Yipee!!!) and he gave me some really nice blue and purple beads. And once again, I got that nagging feeliing in me that I should have gone to SOS. Oh well...

Today was a holiday (African Union Day) and the Pan-African club organized a sale. We sold kelewele, ice cream, coconuts and condensed milk toffee (when I get home, I'm making truckloads of that thing and eating it all by my alone). We made 250 ghc!!!! The music was soley African so I heard all of my fave songs like Mo Gbono Feli Feli, Azonto and the Pigaro club mix!!

So after this much fun, I'm absolutely dreading first period French tommorow. Not to mention see some of my exam papers in which I did absolutely badly!! (I have to start making excuses for my parents.). And the cherry on the cake- French orals. I'm gonna be soooo depressed tommorow....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In which the most awesome epiphany was had!!! :-P

In the: Biology lab
Worried about: getting a flipping compiler!!!!

(follow me on twitter!
Do me a favour-don't ask me how my exams went. It's just been one disaster after the other. My only OK-ish paper was English. Followed by Geog paper 1. Don't get me started on Math... I was kinda sick already... and I failed. miserably.

I had a really awesome epiphany on Friday. My life long aspiration is to be a renowned video game designer like Shigeru Miyamoto. But to say "I want to be a video game designer" to anyone who asks is kinda... well... sounds off-ish. So, I decided that instead I'll say "I want to be a computer programmer" which does sound kinda cool. And, if all goes well, I'll be a computer programmer by the end of the year. Right now, I'm in the process of learning C++ (hence the need for a compiler) So if someone asks me sometime next year what I want to be, I'll say "A computer programmer but I'm already one" S-O-H-A-C-K-I-N-G-C-O-O-L!!!!!!!

According to my countdown timer, I have 17 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 40 seconds until summer!!! (6th June!!!!!) And last year of high school. The IB2's are leaving this week. I'm gonna miss some of them so much it's not even funny... Lucie, Myma, Marcelle, Ashley, Lana.... v.v Can't wait for my graduation. Michael has promised to design my dress for me so that means, it's gonna be off the hook!!! Yayness!!!!

Ok,  I'm gonna go wallow in self pity cause my Extended Essay is still giving me hassle. I have to go for a police scanning tommorow.

P.S. my favorite couple broke up. Well, not like they were going out. I just used to see them together a lot and I really liked it. Now, I hardly see them together...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Savior of the village!

Listening to: Jai Ho by the Pussycat Dolls
Drinking: Orange juice
Thinking about: Twilight. I need to watch it again!!

I just got a sudden realization: It's been almost a year since my latest crush which officially lasted about 3 weeks but lingered on for a while. The... weird?... annoying?... random?...let's go with random...The random thing about it is the fact I started liking him on his birthday. Random huh? Well, I guess that's what maked it different. And I can comfortably say that out of all the 5 crushes I've had, he was the best. So let's just say I'm kinda glad I freefell. 2 days before his b'day, I knew what was gonna happen. I told myself "Sedi, you cannot get a crush at this crucial point in time of your life. Besides, you know what will happen to you at the end of the day." My IG's were only a few days away and I knew it would end badly. I always end up hurt.I guess that's why they're called crushes. But did I listen. Noooooo. I fell. Quite bad actually.

But you know what hurts? All the time I liked him, he actually liked someone else. When I found out, naturally, I was quite upset. He didn't know I liked him so I can't really blame him much. Funnily enough, we actually like a couple anytime we were together. Holding hands, laughing,hugging...gosh it was all so cute!!! The Se-rah told me that he liked someone else. That was when the process of forgetting began but it took a long time. It still lingers but it's not as strong. Sometimes I'll look at him and be like "Can someone please tell me why I had a crush on this dude?" Granted, he's a nice guy, but sometimes I just wonder... Now I think he likes this other girl and anytime I see them together, I get really happy. And I mean happy. Jeani and Myma think I'm delusional but I just think I'm glad he's moving on. Since he is, I don't have to tell him, right?

And besides, I gotta concentrate on more importanter stuff in my life. Like G.A.M.I.N.G.!!! My half-sis Amy got married last week and my dad went to Utah for the wedding. I felt that my gaming had become very one-sided *coughGuitarHerocough* so I need to come back down to earth. And what better way to do that than to get a game that has been critically acclaimed by everyone-Okami. I started it last night and it's really good. The one thing I love about it it the fact that the graphics are like Old Japanese paintings. Tres fantastique!!! I'm gonna play it when I'm done here!!!

So now my half-sis is married and my family had expanded!!! My dad was telling me stories and they sound so well-behaved and nice. Gosh, I really wish I had gone!! It sounded like it was so much fun!! *sigh* School sucks!!

Exams are coming up *yuck* Which involves a lot of studying *yuck* and I still haven't done my EE! Sucks even more!! Wish me luck v.v