Feeling: Glassy-eyed, numb and tired (In the middle of the day!!!)
Failure to work on: SAT Math
Number of exam papers left: 1 (French text handling)
I am exactly 85.71% done with my exams (I have a total of 7 papers and I've done 6) so I've been free the whole day today. I spent 2 and a half hours playing the Sims 2 and watched an episode of How I Met Your Mother. I really need to take a nap cause I look like shit right now but I'm not gonna. I pulling a strong late night tonight. After lunch (hopefully if there is no karate) I'll play the Sims until 5:30, bath, go for dinner and hopefully if nothing comes up I'll do my laundry and watch as many episodes of How I Met Your Mother as I can. And tomorrow I WILL study SAT Math. Promise!!
My exams so far have been a roller coaster of ..... dunno. Let's recap shall we?
Math: A horrible way to start the exams. 7 questions in 2 hours. 1-4 were manageable but after that it became more horrible. Luckily I was able to get a 5 and I am EXTREMELY proud of myself!!!
History: Who writes a History exam in 1 and a half hours and FINISHES??? I had to writes 3 VERY detailed essay in 90 minutes. Obviously, I didn't finish...
English: Once again, unable to finish. I had so many ideas to talk about I spent 30 minutes writing them all down and an hour to write the actual essay. My ideas were sooo many only a quarter made it into the actual essay. And I didn't even talk about STYLE!!!
Chemistry: @_@ (nuff said)
Geography: Oh my hacking gosh!! Question 2 c!!! Why????
French 1: So far, I think this is the only paper I was able to finish before time and go over my work. My essay look less than 300 but it actually a little over. I really squished my handwriting on the page.
I just hope my grades are good enough to keep me on the merit list. I highly doubt it though...
I just realized that my blog's a bit dead so I 'm gonna start putting more pictures up. I'll spend most of this weekend (if I can) taking pics on my Mac to put up here. But for now let's start with this one. I don't know where they took it though. Matthew's laptop I think. Valerie gave me her pen drive so I stole them. They look so cute and fresh!

I had what I will liberally call "the best dream eva!" last night. Lemme just say that it felt so real that I thought it was really real. But the rising bell rang and I was brought back to cruel reality. I almost cried. I can still the note really visibly. The words. The confession. The kisses. The hugs. The relative barrier. The nickname at the end. My feelings from last semester want to come back. They've been fighting with my normal feelings for some time. Now I don't know if I've really moved on. The other side has but might be showing very faint signs but it could be my imagination.
(Sorry if I seem quite confusing and not giving a lot of information. I don't know if I want to say the WHOLE thing. Yet.)
Onwards to tomfoolery!!!!
Hey, I just saw your Blog, cos I clicked on my Music where it said Revolverheld. But you seem like a really interesting Person. I like learning about other Cultures. Mind having an american following your Blog? My Roommate is from Ghana, but I don't learn much from him, he's a bit older than I am... lol
God Bless!
i know how feel about exam stress, i havent started yet but probs in January.
hope you pass all if not most of your exams and yh i've been saying the same thing about putting pics onto my blog,
it hasnt happened yet.
good luck on your final exam
p.s. sounds like you have a crush on someone!
i blew your cover!
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