Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tawana, for some unexplainable reason, you're my fave housemate right now!!!

Listening to: Tchi-Cum-Bah by Superbus
Watching: BBA 3
Finding the energy to: Learn Chemistry. Mid-term test coming soon...
Thinking about: The French essay I haven't finished which is due first thing Monday morning...

Busy week the past one's been. I can't remember what I did last Saturday but the day was quite dead. Or Sunday. I know I went to church...

But I remember what happened during the week. I had lunch with Ewuradjoa, my friend from middle school. She's done with high school and is working on her college applications and SAT. She wants to go to Yale I think. She also told me that most of of our friends are all leaving the country for university. Mostly to the US, a few to Canada. Really makes me feel small. I have another 2 years...

Jeani and her sis Steffi came over on Tuesday. I got them hooked on Guitar Hero (after I intmidated them with my awesome skills on Closer-Medium). Yasmin came over on Wednesday. We just hung out watching BBA and a Rowan Atkinson video she had. I spent most of Thursday sleeping cause I stayed up to watch the presidential debate (JOE THE PLUMBER!!!) but I went over to Katakyie's house when he was done with school. He's writing PSAT today. He's getting me started on Avatar. H e gave me the first 6 episodes of Book 1 and I'm gonna get rest today. I watch part of episode 1 yesterday. It's quite good. Oh, yesterday...

Erika came over impromptu. We talked for like the longest time imaginable about the people in school. Then we went to the mall cause Eli and I had school shopping to do and we picked Yasmin up cause her house is close and it was a hot day. She didn't want to walk. When we were done, Eli went for her confirmation class (She and our cousin Jimand are getting confirmed tomorrow) and I got ready for the Korean dance. Not like a dance party. The Korean Embassy organized a performance on Korean culture. The Korean in our school put posters up to advertise. Jeani said she wanted to go cause since the Olympics she's really fascinated with the Asian culture. She even asked me to give her my J-pop songs. Her iPod is now infected with Ayumi Hamasaki...

Jeani came to pick me up when she was done with MUN at school (Her commitee's boring but I love the stuff she's written so far. She's a press member and is writing her stuff Gossip Girl style!) Yea-young was soo excited to see us!! I think her fear was that no one from school would show up. We got there really early so we spent like 30 or so minutes trying to find good seats. Erika and her bro Ellis came too and we ended up sitting upstairs. It was a good show. I loved the fan dance. It was really prettyful!!! lol. And I almost ran into my old art teacher las night. Good thing I didn't...

Today's another dead Saturday. I'm home alone right now. Eli's gone to get a fake doctor's note, my dad's playing squash and my mum's doing her usual Saturday morning errands. And I have no idea what I'm doing for the rest of the day. 


...which reminds me, I gotta work on my Halloween costume...

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