Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Don't ******* give me a guilt trip!!

Listening to: Kiss and Control by AFI
Current academic pursuit: learning Chemistry and Geography (or trying to...)
Wishing: I had the power to kill...

Urgh! School's in super full swing and i just realized that I don't want to do History AT ALL!!! You know who I blame? The IB coordinator of my school. Last year he told me and Jeani that he would bring Information Technology in a Global Society so we were like ok! We come back to school and he changes his mind (can I kill him? PLEEAASSEEE???) So now I'm stuck doing History which I'm not enjoying too much. I just can't believe that I'm gonna do History for the next 2 years (oops sorry, 18 months!) when I'm not even gonna DO History in university (I plan on doing Mathematics and Computer Science... at my first choice Carnegie Mellon!!)...See my predicament!!

Anywhoo, The guilt trip comes from my History and Geography teachers. Because their subjects clash, I have to alternate classes. So when I go for Geography, I get the guilt trip from my History teacher and vice versa (that whole "you didn't come for class" thing) It's frigging ANNOYING!!!!! *sigh*

I can't wait for September to end! The singing competition is this Saturday and I can't wait for it to be over. And after that, there's the Sports competition between my school and like 5 or 6 other international schools in Ghana. See why I can't wait for September to end?


Unknown said...

Great blog!

Keep posting,


Unknown said...

Aw, history isn't so bad, I quite liked it even though my teacher was really scary! Geography though... oh man... I got really bad at Geography as soon as I had to do more than just colour in maps ;)

Anonymous said...

hey you, really like your blog i added yyou to mine so you can look at it if u like...

am doing AS/ as well but its in Art, English & Psychology but thinking of changing psychology for something else...havent really decided!


blaaaaaa said...


Unknown said...

hey thanks for all the comments guys!

pasifik you have so many blogs, i dont know which one to reply to...

anna, it's gettin better! i'm happier in history class now. and geography is boring as usual...