Worrying about: my math quiz tomorrow and my Extended Essay
Excited about: My half-sis's wedding this Saturday!!!!!!!!!
L is for the way you look at her
O is for the only one you see
V is very very very happy-making
E is even more than anyone that you adore can...
Ok, sorry about that. It's just that since Friday, I've been seeing some individuals together a lot and it's just made me really happy. You would think that I'm jealous or something but I'm not. Honest! I'm just really happy about it. I saw the two of them together and my world immediately became right again. I asked Rita yesterday if anything was going on between the two of them but she said no. I begged her to just lie to me and tell me that there was something going on but she said nothing was going on. She even said that the guys doesnt like the girl and the girl likes someone else. Well, I really hope that the guys really likes the girl cause I dont mind too much if the girl likes someone else. If the guy didn't like anyone, I would become upset. Again.
So.... My grade has already started planning for the funfair for next semester. It's called Super Nova and I'm in charge of the Games Room! More Guitar Hero!!! I want a really creative name for it. Something having to do with the galaxy. Maybe Venus or something. But I know we'll have the usual stuff like console and what not but I want to do something uber creative with the place. I'll have this summer to come up with stuff.
Oh man I can't wait for summer!!! I know it's a bit of a long way off but still!!! My summer itinery has been planned out: I leave for Dubai a week after school vacates, spend 2 days there, go to Brimignham for the Rotary Convention, then go to London for a few days then take the Eurostar to France and spend about 3 weeks in Paris with Edna, take the Eurostar back to London with Edna this time, back to Dubai and then home sweet Accra!!! Bummer I'm not going to the US though... I don't mind too much...
I'm just recovering from a serious sickness bout. I had karate on Friday and because I hadnt done it in so long, I was aching from head to toe afterwards. Then I had dance practice for entetainment after my SRC meeting until 1am. I woke up Saturday morning and had a sore throat and cough in addition to my aching body. But I was still able to dance for entertainment. We had this rep your country thing and my grade got Jamaica so you can just imagine the kind of dances we had to do. We tied first with the Grade 9's but then there was a fight and a dance battle and they won. I slept for an hour, watched Space Jam and fell asleep again. Woke up tired and still aching Sunday morning with cramps this time. Dozed through church and spent the rest of the day on my bed listening to music and watching The Colbert Report. Monday, still kinda has cramps and still kinda ached but it was ok. Now I'm as fit as a fiddle!!! Oh yeah, I also had a cold the WHOLE weekend too!!!
I'm really upset that I can't go for my half-sis's wedding thiss weekend. I havent seen her in almost 2 years and she doesnt reply to my emails!!! Gosh!! My dad left (or is leaving) today for the wedding in Utah. My mum isnt going but mu uncle and a few of my dad's friends are. They better take pictures so I can see them when I go for my IB exeat.
Lacuna Coil's new album Shallow Life is in stores now!!!! Can't wait to get it from iTunes!!!!!